Hft. 75 sid. 17x24 cm
Hur och varför ringmärker man fåglar? År 2009 hade ringmärkning pågått i 100 år i Storbritannien och Irland. Den här guiden utgavs därför av BTO (British Trust for Ornithology) för att presentera några av de största upptäckterna och framstegen som skett under den tiden.
People have always been fascinated by the movements of birds, whether they be seasonal comings and goings of migrants, or local movements of our own breeding birds. Ringing has long been the best tool to answer many of these questions, from the first bird ringed (a Lapwing) in Aberdeen in 1909. Since then, over 35 million birds have been ringed by trained and licensed BTO volunteers, from seabirdson remote Scottish islands, to common-or-garden birds caught at standardised ringing sites.
Bird Ringing is an ideal training tool for ringers, explaining how and why we ring birds. It contains numerous examples of how ringing has contributed to conservation science and research, and how it helps us understand population changes by providing information on survival and recruitment.