Language: Swedish
Learn more good edible mushrooms, where the mushrooms grow and how to increase your chances of filling the mushroom basket in the future.
In this inspiring and practical handbook, you will learn to recognize new mushrooms, get clues as to where and when you can find them, and also an insight into the fascinating kingdom of mushrooms. In the book Our best food fungi, mushroom consultant Lotta Ekberg describes important characteristics of more than thirty wild-growing food fungi. Here you can find mushrooms that smell like shellfish, mushrooms that like winter and, not least, mushrooms that fit really well on the plate. You also get to know the risks of confusion with dangerous species. So sharpen the mushroom knife, take out the basket and get out into the fields. Because mushrooms are almost everywhere if you know where to look!
Product information
Author: Lotta Ekberg
Designer: Moa Edlund
Photographers: Susanne Hernqvist, Karolina Olson Haglund & Lotta Ekberg
ISBN: 9789155272081
Language: Swedish
Weight: 452 grams
Released: 2023
Publisher: Bokförlaget Semic
Pages: 141