Language: Swedish
Wild-picked mushrooms is an inspiring deep dive into the world of mushrooms that fulfill a function and are good to take out into the forest for mushroom picking.
Can you eat smoked mushrooms and is it possible to flavor ice cream with red-yellow trumpet mushrooms? Which wild-picked mushroom is almost indistinguishable from cooked chicken? Where can you pick the world's most expensive mushroom in Sweden and how do you actually cook a lobster soup without using any shellfish? And perhaps the most important of all: How do you make the perfect mushroom toast?
In the sequel to the hit book Vildplockat, Niki Sjölund gives answers to these questions while inspiring us to go out into nature and open our eyes to all these fantastic raw materials that grow wild in our forests, meadows and mountains. In the Nordic countries, there are over 10,000 mushroom species and approximately 100 of these are good to eat. In Wild Picked Mushrooms, Niki collects facts about 50 or so favourites: where to find them, their specific characteristics, tastes and appearances, possible risks of mixing them up and how best to clean them, store them, refine them and, not least, how you get them out make the most of your mushroom harvest by seeing them as individual ingredients that all require different cooking methods.
Product information
Author: Niki Sjölund
Photographer: Jonas Cramby
Editor: Maria Nilsson
ISBN: 9789127171558
Language: Swedish
Weight: 532 grams
Released: 2021-05-03
Publisher: Nature Culture General literature
Pages: 190