Language: Swedish
The Swedish natural forests continue to be felled, the diversity decreases, a third of the fellings do not meet the environmental requirements of the law and the profitability of Swedish forestry is falling.
This book tells an easy-to-understand story about a sustainable and economically profitable alternative to today's forestry. Close-to-nature forestry means that we stop clearing, felling and land preparation and let the forest grow in a more natural way. Felling takes place as the trees mature for harvest and based on market demand. It gives less risk of storm damage and large-scale attacks by pests. Ecological and social values are kept intact and the economy is improved. There are alternatives to tree plantations, clear-cutting, depleted diversity, razed land and declining incomes. But it's urgent.
Product information
Authors: Martin Jentzen, Erik Kullgren & Eva-Lotta Hultén
ISBN: 9789178853519
Language: Swedish
Weight: 305 grams
Released: 2021
Publisher: Visto Förlag
Pages: 133