Language: Swedish
A survival manual for survivalists and other forest freaks.
A handy guide for die-hard city dwellers who would usually be lost in their own backyard without a smartphone. Your forest handbook contains a variety of tips on how to cope with simple means in the forest. You learn how to make a fire, build a camp, tie knots and use first aid in the event of an accident. You don't have to be an old scout or have done the rags to learn. All you need is this book, a soda can and a tampon. Remember: those who prepare survive.
Din skogshandbok is fact-checked by experts. The chapter First aid is proofread by a senior doctor. The chapter Skogens kfarferi is based on the Swedish army's survival handbook. Other facts are taken from the National Encyclopedia and various scout handbooks.
Product information
Author: Sara Starkström
Illustrator: Magdalena Nyberg
ISBN: 9789187397424
Language: Swedish
Weight: 400 grams
Released: 2017
Publisher: Nicotext
Pages: 175