Manfrotto original plate 200PL-14 suitable for 128RC, 700-701, 200-234R & 2W.
Note that the Manfrotto 200 and Manfrotto 701RC2 have been discontinued, while the 128RC, 234RC and 700RC2 are still in full production. The plate is delivered with a 1/4'' camera screw with approx. 5 mm threading. The screw is anchored in the plate with a spring washer, so it can be easily loosened and replaced with another screw. Three alternative holes are available for the included guide pin in hard plastic. The pin is moved by pushing it inwards/upwards with a small screwdriver, e.g. Refits by simply pushing it down into a hole. Regardless of which of the holes you choose for the guide pin, it sits approx. 10 mm from the camera screw. The plate must only be mounted as the arrows on the underside indicate, i.e. on the width in 128RC and on the length in 700RC2. A friction coating form of hard rubber is glued on the top side, available to buy as a spare part when it wears out/breaks.
Product information
Length: 53 mm
Width: 43 mm
Height: 10 mm