Language: Swedish
With this book, nature photographers Jan Pedersen and Henrik Karlsson want to increase knowledge of our Nordic nature.
In order to increase interest in the conservation of our biological diversity, knowledge in society needs to increase. Both about what fantastic animals we have but also to raise awareness that there are threats to these species and what we can do to reduce them. In today's urbanized society, man has increasingly isolated himself from nature and its animal life. You might settle for the TV's nature program, where most of the focus is on the more exotic fauna and flora of Africa, Asia and Antarctica. The general perception may therefore be that you have to travel far away to experience exciting animals. In the worst case, one might think that we have no nature or wildlife in Scandinavia/the Nordics that is worth experiencing and preserving. Many know e.g. that the tiger is about to disappear, but how many people know why a previously common species like the starling has declined drastically?
Product information
Authors & photographers: Jan Pedersen & Henrik Karlsson
Editor: Elisabet Sahlin
ISBN: 9789187283925
Language: Swedish
Weight: 1790 grams
Released: 2017-09-19
Publisher: Votum Gullers Förlag
Pages: 288