Language: Swedish
Birds are an inalienable part of the garden environment.
In the spring you can enjoy their song, eventually follow their nesting behavior around nests and nest boxes, and in winter they offer great entertainment when they visit the bird restaurant. The Birds' Garden is a richly illustrated handbook and source of inspiration for garden enthusiasts who want to learn more about the birds that usually visit our gardens. The book presents the most common species and describes which environments they prefer, what they eat and where they live. It describes in detail how to plan your garden so that the birds thrive and advises on suitable plants. Anyone who feeds birds in the winter gets lots of ideas and a chapter on nest boxes is also included.
Product information
Author: Niklas Aronsson & Eva Stenvång-Lindkvist
Editor: Anders Wirdheim
ISBN: 9789188124524
Language: Swedish
Weight: 700 grams
Released: 2013
Publisher: SOF Publishing
Pages: 200