Most people associate the Caribbean with palm-fringed sandy beaches, cricket and rum.
Mention the West Indies to birders and they think todies and tremblers, among a remarkable array of c. 190 endemic species. Furthermore, no fewer than six families are confined to the region, and another (spindalises) virtually so. The region also receives many vagrants from both North and South America, and even transatlantic arrivals from the Old World. If this were not sufficient enticement, several of the most poorly known and enigmatic birds in the world—including Ivory-billed Woodpecker and Semper’s Warbler—as well as others requiring further taxonomic investigation, provide additional allure.
Product information
Authors: Guy M. Kirwan, Anthony Levesque, Mark Oberle & Christopher J. Sharpe
Weight: 800 g
Dimensions: 16×23 cm
Format: Flexi-cover
Language: English
Pages: 400
ISBN: 9788416728176
Released: June 2019
Publisher: Lynx Edicions