Language: Swedish
Let us present the third and revised edition of Fågelguiden, which has been expanded by a full 32 pages.
This book is in swedish, for an english version see this product: Collins Bird Guide 3rd edition. Many picture pages have been rearranged and given new illustrations and the texts have been updated or completely rewritten. Especially revised are the sections on birds of prey, owls, terns, loons, swallows, sailors, woodpeckers, redstarts and more. The Fågelguiden has been published in over 20 countries and sold more than 1.2 million copies. It is the market's most comprehensive field guide to birds that can be seen in Sweden, Europe, North Africa and parts of the Middle East, and is considered by ornithologists to be "the world's best bird book". This edition is the third and has been arranged based on the latest scientific findings. About 900 species are treated, of which 800 in detail. The thoroughly educational texts describe each species' size, biotope selection, characteristics, variation, sound and distribution. Symbols indicate how common or rare the species are in Sweden, and clear maps give an account of the current distribution of the species when they breed, migrate and hibernate. The over 4,000 beautiful illustrations distributed over over 200 image pages show the different costumes of the species and how the appearance can vary due to sex, age, season and distribution. Arrows and captions point out important features of the bird, which makes it easier for the reader. In addition to the species pictures, there are many illustrations showing the birds in their typical environment. Fågelguiden is a book to take with you into the field, but it is also a book to immerse yourself in the home world. For anyone interested in birds, this is as indispensable a companion as the binoculars.
Product information
Format: Stapled
Language: Swedish
Edition: 3rd
Released: 2022
Pages: 480
Publisher: Bonnier Fakta
Dimensions: 19.5 x 13.7 x 3 cm
Weight: 841 grams
ISBN: 9789178872282