Öland is one of Sweden's foremost orchid landscapes. Of the approximately 55 species and subspecies found in Sweden, approximately 35 are found on Öland.
The book tells about the different environments orchids grow in and why they are found there. On Öland, orchids grow in such widely different environments as alvar land, coastal meadows, broadleaf forest, pine forest and in many different types of marshes. All environments have different conditions and thus different orchids thrive in different environments.
All of Öland's and Sweden's orchids are protected and many of them highly threatened as many populations have declined significantly. Threats can consist of habitats being altered in a way that negatively affects the orchids, being dug up to be planted in gardens or being picked. By increasing the knowledge of orchids among a wider audience than just the already devoted, we increase our chances of preserving these fantastic plants in our nature and thus being able to enjoy them for a long time to come.
The orchids are presented with text and atmospheric photographs by Henrik Karlsson and detailed illustrations by Emma Tinnert. The book must be able to be used for species identification and is printed in a convenient format so that it can easily accompany its reader out into Öland's nature.
Product information
Author: Henrik Karlsson & Emma Tinnert
Illustrator: Emma Tinnert
Designer & photographer: Henrik Karlsson
ISBN: 9789188435569
Language: English
Weight: 511 grams
Released: 2020-04-29
Publisher: Votum Publishers
Pages: 121